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Unveiling the Landscape of Pressure Injuries: Insights from Kalogon’s Inaugural Seating and Sitting Survey
February 2024

Pressure injuries pose a devastating threat, affecting the lives of 2.5 million people per year with around 60,000 deaths annually within the United States alone. Pressure injuries manifest as localized skin injuries in areas subjected to prolonged pressure, typically occurring over bony prominences. The findings in this survey underscore the critical importance of understanding and addressing PIs, a leading cause of preventable death.
Covered topics:
Inaugural Seating & Sitting Survey
The Impact of Pressure Injuries
Pressure Injury Stages & Vulnerable Areas
Demographic Insights
Discomfort & Sensations of Prolonged Sitting
Understanding Diverse Seating Needs
or read more below

A common assumption is that PIs apply solely to individuals who use a wheelchair. The U.S population consists of a diverse array of individuals, each with their own unique needs and varying levels of mobility. A total of 166 respondents in the US Rep population reported that they have a disability that requires them to sit for extended periods of time. Among this population, respondents reported utilizing a diverse range of assistive devices. A significant number of these individuals were discovered to not use any assistive device. This underscores that the absence of an assistive device does not always mean an absence of extended sitting, putting individuals at risk for pressure injury.

Among the 132 respondents who experience PIs, a notable percentage reported feelings of stiffness, soreness, and numbness. A significant proportion of the 913 respondents who haven’t experienced a pressure injury selected “stiffness” as a sensation they experience. Along with detailing the sensations experienced by individuals with PIs, this data was cross-referenced with the specific locations on the body where these sensations occur.

The majority or individuals, regardless of whether or not they have experienced a pressure injury, share common experience: discomfort after sitting for extended periods of time. A staggering amount of individuals reported sensation in the back and legs. At some point in their life, the average U.S citizen will inevitably feel uncomfortable when required to sit for any reason.

Pressure injuries progress through a series of stages, with a relatively equal distribution of these stages observed among our respondents. Approximately half of respondents (49%) reported experiencing a pressure injury from stages 2 to 3.

The findings of this survey reveal a significant increase in individuals with pressure injuries within the age ranges of 25-34 & 35-44, aligning with previous studies outlining PI risk factors. The prevalence of pressure injuries among this young demographic may be the result of a higher prioritization of routine check-ins with primary care providers compared to older generations.